Sunday, September 9, 2007

Welcome to the 1st Day of Technology Class

Welcome 5th Graders to your first day of Technology Class!

Today you are learning about how humans take objects in the natural world, and make them into other useful things.

This process is called "manufacturing."

Manufacturing means to make or produce anything by hand or machinery.

To help you understand what "manufacturing" is all about, you are going to watch a quick movie. There are two movies listed below. You get to choose the one you want to watch! One shows how custom guitars are made. The other shows how wood is made into toothpicks. Just click the link next to the movie you want to watch.

If you get stuck, just raise your hand. Someone will come over to help you!

Custom Guitars

Toothpicks (once you click the link, click on the picture of toothpicks)

Once you have finished watching the movie, find a partner to work with. Your job is to work together to answer some of the following questions:

How did the wood look at the beginning of the movie?

Did it look like it had just been cut off of a tree?

What do you think had already been done to the wood before you saw it in the movie?

As you watched the movie, what types of "processes" did the wood undergo?

What was done to the wood?

How was it changed?

What was done to the wood to change it?

When you and your partner have decided on some of the answers to these questions, please click on the "comment" button below.

Then, type your answers or thoughts into the box that pops up.

When it asks for your name, click "other", and type in both of your names so you can get credit for your answers.

Remember, if you get stuck, raise your hand and someone will come over and assist you!

Good luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sydney and i thought the toothpick moviue was interesting. When we first saw them I thought "how on earth will those big lumpy logs become toothpicks" and then then the movie explained it all. when we saw them cuting the wood it looked like they were peeling an apple.